Deer Creek Spillway.jpg

The Loneliness of Industry

Personal project exploring the lonely connection between tools of industry and the landscape where they are found.

The Loneliness of Industry

            Whenever I've been on the road, whether traveling for vacation or just out exploring, 

I've always been interested in the prevalent serenity and loneliness that surround 

industrial sites. Whether it is a mine on a hillside, construction equipment left at its last 

working place, or any number of other situations, there always seems to be a feeling of  abandonment and/or solitude.


            Exploring this idea of loneliness has led to a project that focuses on images where 

the tools of industry coincide with the landscape and nature that surrounds them. They 

stand out, contrasted against the often untamed land where they are found, alone.


This is an ongoing project, so if you're interested in the project, I'd recommend you make a return 

visit from time to time to see if there is anything new. Thanks for stopping in!

Interested in a print? Feel free to contact me for details.

All images copyright ©Tyson Rollins